92 words in "Planets"

on Posted by Rajesh J Advani
Those who've read "The Da Vinci Code" (I haven't yet), will know that the author claims that ninety-two words can be written using only the letters in the word "Planets".

So we tried it, and though it took us over an hour, we did manage to touch the magic number 92. There is a bit of debate though, about whether "a", "an", "as" and "at" can be counted as valid for this. And what about "Planet"?

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I got somewhere around 120 words when I did this - not counting proper nouns or names. Just thought I'd share (gloat!). http://purplebanana.diaryland.com And yes, of course 'planet' counts as a word.

Anonymous said...

oh come ON! remember guys, no plurals... I've gotten 92 with no names of plurals... and I double checked all my spelling... Planet does not count either..

Anonymous said...

oh come ON! remember guys, no plurals... I've gotten 92 with no names of plurals... and I double checked all my spelling... Planet does not count either..

Anonymous said...

i was looking for a website that could tell me all the words in the word planet because today in school our class got an assignment to find all the words in planets. my substutute said that there are 120 words in planets.and we are aloud to use the words an, as, a, and at

Anonymous said...

If you allow a noun to be either singular (ape) or plural (apes) but not both, then exactly one complete anagram of "planets" will belong in your list: "platens". Including A, AN, PLANET, and excluding all noun plurals (ape, but not apes), and all verb third-person forms (eat, but not eats), I got 112 words. If you allow third-person singular verbs (eats, tans, pets and the like), I found 125 words.

Anonymous said...

Under the conditions Dave Wilkins has specified in his post (in which he found 125 words), I have found 148 words!

[Smartarse!! - Ed.]

Anonymous said...

*sniff* I can only think of 52 so far and I'M counting singular and plural words! :(

Is there a list somewhere?

Anonymous said...

me and my friend got 92 with plurals. we didn't count a, an, or as. but, i think that in the da vinci code it might mean without plurals or anything like that. because, plurals seemed to make it too easy. the both of us got 92 pretty fast, and they seemed like really simple words. i also looked back on the list and i'm sure there has got to be more words in it.

Anonymous said...

Please dear god, may there be a life for these... And god answered.. "NO!" :)

Marie said...

Me and my friend got 109 words, not counting any words less than 3 letters, planet/planets, and not counting names either. It took us abouttt a half hour, and we're only 13. And yes, we made sure all of the words were real words and looked them up in the dictionary and everything

Anonymous said...

I got 150 but i used scientific words and alot of words straight out of the dictionary

spartanflame said...

Does anyone have a list of the supposedly 92 words from Brown's novel? The link from one of the posts seems to require a password.

sanujoseph said...

I could find only 52 words. can you guys list those 92 words

sanujoseph said...

I could find only 52 words. can you guys list those 92 words

Anonymous said...

A, Ale, alp, an, ant, ante,ape,apse,apt,as,asp,at,ate,east,eat,elan,etna,la,lane,lap,lapse,last,late,lea,lean,leant,leap,leapt,least,lens,lent,lest,let,na,nae,nap,nape,ne,neap,neat,nest,net,pa,pal,pale,palet,pan,pane,panel,pant,pants,past,paste,pastel,pat,pate,paten,pea,peal,pean,peat,pelt,pen,penal,pent,pes,pest,pet,petal,plan,plane,planet,plant,plat,plate,platen,plea,pleat,sal,slae,salep,salp,salt,sane,sap,sat,sate,sea,seal,seat'sen,sent,sepal,sept,septal,set,seta,slant,slap,slat,slate,slept,snap,sneap,spa,spae,spale,span,spat,spate,spelt,spent,splat,stale,stela,staple,steal,step,ta,tael,tale,tan,tap,tape,tea,teal,ten,tepal

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, and I must confirm this when I get home, but the audiobook for DaVinci Code claims only 62 words in planets, not 92 as quoted in the first post. An error on the part of the reader?? =^J I have gotten to 66 so far, counting only words over 3 letters long, no proper nouns but counting plurals.

A hack from Madras said...

Hi: I've come up with 98, not counting plurals and the words planet, Naples, Nepal and Alps. However, I have used a, an, as, at and pa. I have not used la- a musical note, or ta, a British word used as goodbye, and allowed in most editions of Scrabble. Nor have I counted san though elan and tael are in my list.
If the blog owner is willing, I would like to list them out.
Thanks: Ravi

willsera92 said...

I got 76 words without using a dictionary I count Nepal, as,an,at and didn't use plurals.
I am from Colombia and of course Spanish is my native language, not English, but I just love it.

Dan M said...

various word within a word generators on line come up with 290+. Alas. What is interesting is that with each subsequent edition of the DaVinci Code, the number in the text was increased.